Monday, July 24, 2017

2. Writing Dockerfiles to install JDK and WebLogic to create docker images

We have a couple of options to create the docker images. In the last post, we got the docker installed Linux environment available. Now in this post, we will develop the Dockerfile such that it can create an image that can have Java JRE installed and WebLogic 12c installed.

Lets jump on the task where we will prepare, create the Dockerfile and build the image and run the container to check all done successful.

Prepare software installation

Remember that official images always the preferable choice. When you search for docker images from the public repository that is We might get a huge list some of them are Automated some of them are not. The only one will be committed as an Official Image. Here selecting an image is also a strategy, logic inside. So carefully proceed further.

We need to install Java Development Kit JDK latest version and WebLogic in silent mode installation.

Step 1: Copy installers to data folder this is my convention I've used
Here few Dockerfile commands

  1. FROM - used to specify the base image
  2. MAINTAINER [depricated]- tell about the author
  3. RUN - executable commands separated by &&
  4. USER - like su command in Linux is used for switch user
  5. ENV - environment variables definitions predefined
  6. ADD - share directories or files
  7. WORKDIR - login is like cd in Linux you perform some of the commands there and then you can use one more time and perform
  8. COPY - copy the files from the host machine to container it is like scp
  9. CMD - Execute command where you can give multiple commands in double quotes
  10. ENTRYPOINT - when the container started immediately this instruction will be executed

Now we are good to go for creating the customized Docker Image using Dockerfile as follows:

# --------------------------
# Pull base image
# ---------------
FROM dnraikes/oraclelinux-7:latest

# Maintainer
# ----------
MAINTAINER Pavan Devarakonda 

RUN mkdir -p /u01 /data && \
    chmod a+xr /u01 && \
    useradd -b /u01 -d /u01/oracle -m -s /bin/bash oracle && \
    chown oracle:oracle -R /u01 && \
    chown oracle:oracle -R /data

USER oracle


ADD ./data /data
ADD ./silent /u01/silent
ADD /u01/

RUN /u01/

I'm just doing this experiment how much size this container would make that really matters.

Step 2: Copy silent folder containing wls_install.rsp, oraInst.loc with appropriate group and inventory location. Ref : Single hit installation of WebLogic 12c on Vagrant box

JDK, WebLogic Installation

Revisiting the last blog post few changes made which will help you to prepare the docker image while it creates the image it will install JDK and WebLogic into the intermediate containers.

# This script will be installing JDK installing WebLogic in silent mode
#- Info
#-    Author   : Pavan Devarakonda
#-    Date     : 30-March-2017


echo "installing JDK ${JDK_INSTALLER}"

ls -l
echo confirm JDK installation
cd $INSTAL_LOC/jdk*

echo "export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME">>$HOME/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH">>$HOME/.bashrc

. $HOME/.bashrc

echo "Check for java version"
java -version

echo Installing WebLogic now...


java -jar $WLS_INSTALLER_PATH/$WLS_INSTALLER -silent -invPtrLoc $SILENT_DIR/oraInst.loc -responseFile $SILENT_DIR/wls_install.rsp

echo "WebLogic $WLS_INSTALLER installed successfully...."
echo .
echo setting MW_HOME ...
MW_HOME=`grep ORACLE_HOME $SILENT_DIR/wls_install.rsp |cut -d'=' -f2`
echo "export MW_HOME=$MW_HOME">>$HOME/.bashrc
echo "export WL_HOME=$MW_HOME/wlserver">>$HOME/.bashrc
echo "alias wlst=$MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/">>$HOME/.bashrc
. $HOME/.bashrc

Step 3: Run the docker build as follows:

# ################## #
# ################## #
echo "Building image '$IMAGE_NAME' ..."


BUILD_START=$(date '+%s')
docker build --force-rm=$NOCACHE --no-cache=$NOCACHE -t $IMAGE_NAME . || {
  echo "There was an error building the image."
  exit 1
BUILD_END=$(date '+%s')

echo ""

chmod u+x

After the WebLogic docker image builds completed you can see the following lines at the end:

Successful execution of docker build

The docker image list looks like this, where you can see the build image with the tag mentioned in the above :

WebLogic docker image

Further experimenting on dockerization of WebLogic - Using containers will be posted soon.


  1. GitHub link for Oracle-WebLogic docker build

Saturday, July 15, 2017

5. docker-compose for WebLogic cluster deployment

In the earlier post you have seen how to use docker-compose for WebLogic images to build and also run the container with new application deployment. In this post you will be able to see the WebLogic managed servers forms cluster and the application will be deployed on top of it.


Let me keep the list of prerequisite steps which you can follow my previous blog post or youtube video.

  1.  docker pull oraclelinux:7-slim  
  2. git clone 
  3. download server-jre1.8 latest version copy to OracleJava/dockerfiles build the image and make it as oracle/serverjre:8
  4. download weblogic quick installer which is used for development, it is small in size. image name it as oracle/weblogic: 
  5.  create new docker images where 12212-domain:latest using WLST and shell script which are available in container scripts. 
  6. create new docker images named as 1221-appdeploy:latest where it uses 12212-domain as base images. 
  7. And also docker pull httpd:2.4 6. download the proxy plugin for create the 1221-webtier:latest [apache with proxy plugin configured]

The power of docker-compose script

Now lets pick the following docker-compose.yml file where it will use two images the two images : 1221-appdeploy, 1221-webtier Using last session created admin container for create managedserver with port change
version: '2'

  &network wlsnet:
    driver: bridge


  # Deploys the wlsServer with default hostname 'wlsadmin' used by scripts in 1221-domain.
  &adm adminserver:
    image: &i 1221-appdeploy
    container_name: wlsadmin
    - "8001:7001"
      - *network

  # Deploys a container running a Managed Server and a Node Manager to control MS from wlsServer
    image: *i
      - *network
      - *adm

  # Deploys a container running only a node manager. to deploy a managed server here later, use wlsServer Web Console
    image: *i
      - *network
      - *adm

 # WebTier for load balancing requests to cluster
    image: 1221-webtier
      - *network
    - "8800:80"
      - WEBLOGIC_CLUSTER="managedserver:7001"
      - managedserver

################ END OF compose file ###############################

Next steps

8. Validate the docker configuration syntax docker-compose config
9. If all good then proceed for the run the containers - wlsadmin, managedserver, nodemanager and webtier docker-compose up
10.  Check the containers logs with container names as argument docker-compose ps docker logs wlscluster_managedserver_1 -f
 11. Expansion of docker containers for clustered Weblogic domain. docker-compose scale managedserver=4

We will be more happy to help you for your dockerization of WebLogic environments.


Thursday, June 22, 2017

4.Learning docker-compose for WebLogic with examples

Learning docker-compose for WebLogic with examples

The docker-compose is one of the docker integration tool. it works based on yml or yaml file. The yml files are easy to read plain like English text. It is developed alternative to JSON files, both are used to store the key, value pairs and hierarchical structured data. To run docker-compose command in the current directory there should be  docker-compose.yml file must be exist.

Prerequisites for docker-compose

  • well awareness of docker
  • YML syntax
  • docker network

docker-compose build with Example

Dockerfile is used to build the docker image that should be present in the current directory.

Create docker-compose.yml file

Lets create the docker-compose.yml file for WebLogic Domain container which uses 1221-appdeploy image. The AdminServer port exposed as 7001 from the container and on left side host port opened with 7001. The container should run the command/shell script. here we can select as starting shell script to be executed when container launched.

Here the docker Compose syntax is simple human readable. alternative to JSON. meta-data.
 image: 1221-appdeploy
  - "7001:7001"

Now we are ready for Running the container with docker-compose command which will start the container and keep  it running state.

docker-compose up 

To run the docker container in the background we will use -d option

docker-compose up -d 

docker-compose for WebLogic appdeployment container
We have same number of commands as in docker for docker-compose. And it is more powerful than docker commands. because it can start multiple containers with single command.

How to check the WebLogic log files from docker host?

Docker container logs can be viewed from the docker host machine using the following command
  docker-compose logs --tail="all"

  docker-compose logs -f

How to get docker-compose process list?

We can get the list of process that are running on docker deamon.
docker-compose ps
docker-compose ps for WebLogic

How to bring down docker-compose containers?

To stop the container we can use stop option
docker-compose stop

To destroy and dispose you can use down option.
docker-compose down

It will stop and remove the container.

Destroying the container will loss all the changes in the last domain configuration. Better to have host volume shared or have a separate container to have WebLogic domains for backup.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

1. Learning dockerization for WebLogic on Oracle Linux in Vagrant

Writing this blog post after couple of executions experiments and research on docker. The basic requirement for docker is there must be a Linux/Unix based platform. Here I am creating that one on my Windows host machine, and the guest Ubuntu Trusty64 platform with the help of Vagrant and Oracle Virtualbox provider.

vagrant Ubuntu docker - Oracle Linux images

In this Article I am not dicuss about from the scratch What is docker etc. I'm not talking about Virtualization vs Containerization.
Create testnode1 folder on the Windows machine. I've created on F:\testnode1.

The Vagrantfile to launch Ubuntu Trusty64 Virtual machine is as follows:


# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
  config.vm.define "test" do |testnode1| = "williamyeh/ubuntu-trusty64-docker"
 testnode1.vm.hostname="" "private_network", ip: ""
  config.vm.synced_folder "F:/Softwares", "/u01/app/software"
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
     vb.memory = "4096"

After Vagrant up looks like this

In the Trusty64 terminal the shell script will be executed first time. Next time onwards it will verify and shows message already executed.

Note that this vagrant box built-in with docker, and when you start the box it will automatically brings up the docker-engine.

How do I know docker installed?

Using docker info you will get to know about the docker version, status and information about daemon how much memory, CPU are allotted for it.

docker info
The docker info command execution

How do I check docker engine running?

Using regular Linux service command will tell about docker engine. Of-course docker info already tells the same in one of the line.

service docker status

Checking docker service status

Lets do dockerization

There are multiple docker commands which help you to create docker images, pull them from the global repository. Docker images will be used to generate docker containers. Here image is like blueprint and the container is like object of the blueprint.

docker search oraclelinux

docker search for oraclelinux image in public registry

Once you found your desired image then you can use pull command on docker engine then docker image will be visible.

docker pull oraclelinux7

docker pull oraclelinux-7
After pull successful your docker images stack will be updated to check use docker images command.

docker images

docker images list including oraclelinux-7
Running docker container
We can run the docker container from the pulled images, here we are interested on oraclelinux-7 image.

 docker run -i -t --name orawls --hostname dnraikes/oraclelinux-7:latest /bin/bash

Next post on Java WebLogic in docker image

Blurb about this blog

Blurb about this blog

Essential Middleware Administration takes in-depth look at the fundamental relationship between Middleware and Operating Environment such as Solaris or Linux, HP-UX. Scope of this blog is associated with beginner or an experienced Middleware Team members, Middleware developer, Middleware Architects, you will be able to apply any of these automation scripts which are takeaways, because they are generalized it is like ready to use. Most of the experimented scripts are implemented in production environments.
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